Calgary Transit eStore disruption

Beginning October 28, to avoid delivery delays during a potential Canada Post strike, we're disabling the online ordering of paper fare products (monthly, books of single ride tickets, senior passes and low income passes) and garbage tags from our eStore. Since these products are delivered using Canada Post, a strike would impact our ability to fulfill orders.
This only applies to the online purchase of paper products. You can still buy your regular monthly passes and tickets electronically using My Fare or the Transit trip planning app. Paper passes can still be purchased in person at local vendors, our Customer Service Centres and City Hall Cashiers, beginning November 1.
For customers who use our low income or senior passes, paper low income passes and senior passes are still available to buy in person at our Customer Service Centre and City Cashiers, beginning November. Alternatively, if you’re able, we encourage seniors and low income pass holders to buy electronic tickets that you can use with our My Fare smartphone app. Detailed instructions for downloading My Fare and setting up an account are here, or you can email for assistance.
For customers who have already ordered a paper pass online, it will still be processed and delivered to you.
Garbage tags will be available for purchase at our Customer Service Centres and City Hall Cashiers.
We will be monitoring the situation with Canada Post closely and will restore the ability to buy paper fare products on our eStore as soon as possible after the risk of a strike is over.
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