Book a Trip

Booking a Trip
Once you are registered as a Calgary Transit Access customer, booking a trip is simple.
Once you have applied for our service and are determined eligible for our service, booking a trip is very easy. There are two ways to book a trip.
1. CTA Trip Booking - Online
We've recently updated our online Trip Booking tool. This tool is available for desktop and laptop computers, as well as Apple and Android tablets or mobile devices.
You can make trip booking requests anytime, from the convenience of your own device. Learn more.
2. Call Centre - Telephone
The call centre booking line is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and closed on statutory holidays. To book a trip, call 403-537-7777, option 2.
If you want to check the date and time of a trip you already booked call 403-537-7777, option 1.
When a trip is booked (scheduled and confirmed) we will give you a 20-minute pickup window. We will arrive within that 20-minute window, so please be ready to go at the start of your assigned window. This will help keep us on schedule for your trip and scheduled trips that follow.
3. Group Booking Form
If you want to book a trip for three or more CTA customers together, please fill out and submit the Group Booking Request Form.
To cancel a trip, call 403-537-7777, option 1 or option 3 to speak with an agent.
Although you can access the automated phone line to cancel your trip 24 hours a day, we require at least two hours notice. If you do not show up for a booked trip or cancel with less than two hours notice, warning letters and service suspensions may result.
Types of Trips
We have two types of trips that you can book:
1. Casual – these trips must be booked no later than 1 p.m. the day before the trip is needed. You can book these trips up to four days in advance.
2. Regular – also called recurring trips. These trips can be scheduled to repeat on a frequency of your choosing.
To read some tips on how to make your trip safe, enjoyable and on time check out these quick tips.