Warning | Weather Information

Please be aware that all snow detours are in effect due to the current weather conditions. We recommend checking if your route is affected while planning your trip. We are working hard to get you to your destination safely, so please be patient and give yourself extra travel time.

View snow detours Learn more about traveling in winter

Waitlisted/no solution found trips

If a requested trip cannot be accommodated in the system, you may be given the option to waitlist your trip request.

warning about waitlisted trips

1.  If you receive a message that “No solution was found at the requested time”, you can choose to “Modify”, “Cancel”, or “Continue” with the request.

2.  If you choose to “Modify” or “Cancel” your request, you will be brought back to the “Book a trip” page where you can modify as needed.

3.  If you want your request to be waitlisted, click “Continue”. This will bring you to the “Complete your trip request” page where you can enter pick-up/drop-off instructions.

4.  Once you are ready, click “Submit request”. You will see that your request has been submitted successfully and the trip will be placed on a waitlist.

5.  Once a trip has been waitlisted, you will need to confirm the pick-up window after 7 p.m. the night before.